IFM Seeking Your Thoughts about the 2008 Season
Please help the community board of the Interstate Farmers’ Market in planning for a bigger and better farmers’ market for 2009.
Here is the link to the IFM customer survey:
*The survey consists of 10 questions that take less than 5 minutes to complete.*
Please help us spread the word by filling out this survey and passing it along to your friends, co-workers, family or anyone in the N/NE Portland area that would love attending the Interstate Farmers’ Market next year. (If you forward this message, please let us know how many people will receive this survey, so we can keep track of an approximate return.)
Surveys will be sent out via this email list and IFM advisory board members will be reaching out to local customers, businesses and friends/neighbors to gather information to help grow the market next year. Your responses to this survey will be greatly appreciated and will help to shape next year’s market!
Thank you,
Bob New, IFM Manager
contact [at]
Photo credits: Pictures in this email taken by Nikki Guerrero, IFM vendor (Hot Mama Salsa).
2010 IFM Season
Wednesdays - 3pm to 7pm
May - September
3550 N. Interstate Ave.
Next to Overlook Park on the Max Yellow Line
SNAP/Oregon Trail ACCEPTED! (Just come to the info booth and we will swipe your card and give you tokens to spend with the vendors.)
WIC/Seniors Checks ACCEPTED! (Bring your checks directly to vendors displaying a WIC/Seniors sign)
Contact us today and join our dedicated team.
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